Thursday, December 25, 2008

The 40-episodes "Legend of Bruce Lee" tells the start of Bruce Lee's life after his parents had sent him to America as police forces in HK was going to arrest him. Moving to Seattle, he was nobody, and he has to work to earn a living which was very hard. At that time he was studying in Edison technical school in Seattle before majoring in Philosophy in University of Washington. He worked to pay his education fees. Just before he could graduate, he chose to leave and to open up a kungfu center in Auckland after receiving encouragements from his friends. When he was competing for the Karate World Championship, his talents were seen by the people from Hollywood. He then moved to Hollywood with his wife Linda and kids and after months of waiting, promises are still broken. Disappointed, he left Hollywood and took up another opportunity offered by a film station manager in HK who fulfilled every of his conditions. Since then, he produced a few of the great movies that we can still see until today such as, Way of the Dragon, Enter the Dragon, and Game of Death, which was his last film completed in June 1973 and also the movie which shocked the whole world especially America. Since then, Chinese kungfu was widely known and people from around the world was amazed. In 20 July 1973, he was rushed to the hospital again after he collapsed and he died upon arrival. Medical checks revealed a 13% expansion in his brain which caused his death (brain edema). He was laid to rest in Seattle cemetary field and he and his contributions will always be remembered.

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